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Sucess Stories

Stories of Recovery From Former Clients & Staff

Safe Haven Testimony: Meet Chris

Meet Chris, a Navy Veteran who has been staying at Benilde Hall’s Safe Haven program since August 2022. During Chris’ first few months at Safe Haven, he was just happy to have a place to sleep and eat and says that now everything is starting to fall into place for him. He says in January he began to take the steps he needed to find a job and work towards moving out of the Safe Haven program.

The staff at Safe Haven and the Kansas City VA have helped Chris find healthcare and they have put him on a path towards accomplishing his goals. Safe Haven has connected Chris with job opportunities from VETS Work and the Full Employment Council, as well as providing Chris with work clothes.

He has recently found a career in hotel maintenance, as the Assistant Chief Engineer. Growing up, his family owned rental homes and he would help his dad with different maintenance projects. Chris learned through his family the skills he needed to begin working in hotel maintenance.

Chris has been working with the Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program through the Salvation Army to find permanent housing. He has been approved for a HUD voucher and is getting ready to move into his new home.

When asked what advice he would give to others in the Safe Haven program, Chris says, “Trust the process. Closed mouths don’t get fed. If you need something or want something, ask.”